Program Hibah Bina Desa

Siginjai Technocraft 

Technocraft (Creative Technology of Batik Motifs from Digital Photos) as an Improvement of Digital Batik Creative Industry Business in Ulu Gedong Village, Jambi City

    Ulu Gedong Village is one of the largest batik centers in Jambi City, all of which have batik craftsmen who are still actively producing batik until now. Jambi batik is produced in groups as a result of community creativity that still uses traditional processes, and the batik motifs they make are obtained from generation to generation. The motifs include; Durian Pecah, Kaca Piring, Puncung rebung, Angso duo with crown wings, Tampuk Manggis, Kapal Nyanggat, and others.

    Based on surveys and observations from interviews with community leaders and craftsmen, residents in Ulu Gedong Village produce a lot of written and stamped batik. The batik production process is made by housewives or home-based businesses. Meanwhile, many of the younger generations are not interested in continuing to make Batik like their parents did. This is because the process of making batik takes a long time, especially in written Batik. On the other hand, the motifs they make tend to be monotonous based on generations, causing a lack of competition with other regional batik motifs, this impact is thought to cause the level of economic factors and the welfare of craftsmen to be very low. So the youth groups in the Ulu Gedong village are looking for other more promising jobs.

    Based on the background of problems such as the weak community economy and competitiveness, the length of Batik processing, the lack of innovation in batik motifs, and the level of attractiveness of the younger generation as craftsmen fading, a solution is needed to solve these problems, by applying computer application technology "Technocraft" (Creative Technology Batik Motifs from Digital Photos).

    It aims to socialize and facilitate the community in the process of making batik motifs that are fast, efficient, and attractive by using the "Technocraft" application as an attraction for the younger generation of Jambi batik craftsmen and increasing the digital batik creative industry business that produces creative product innovations in Ulu Gedong Village, Jambi City.

For more information and documentation, I attached the link: Technocraft
